Investing in the healthcare sector through applied quantitative methods.

Scientists at Jirau Capital have been studying the fundamentals around market anomalies among the healthcare sector closely for the past five years. This thorough research has yielded enough data to support our mispricing hypotheses in this sector and further evaluate the sector as ideal for quantitative modeling and investing.

To exploit this anomaly, we have developed a strategy that revolves around a quantitative asset allocation model which considers two complexities found in the sector: I. Valuation of the science around the intangibles ranging from discovery and pre-clinical pipelines to commercialization, and the latest advances in experimental therapeutics. II. The high degree of volatility in the healthcare sector due to its binary environment.

We are certain that to support progress in the latest healthcare innovations, an efficient capital allocation is a key aspect. Through our in-depth understanding of the biomedical landscape, we allocate capital to those Companies that fall in line with our vision and express a negative view on those which are not efficiently using their assets. To reach the perfect mix in this vision, it requires equilibrium.

To reach this equilibrium, we combine our advanced knowledge in the biomedical sciences, with our skills in advanced quantitative analytical methods. We are BioQuants.

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